Wednesday 5 February 2014

January in Room 1


When it's Wintertime and the snow comes down,
 We will build a lovely snowman in the garden.

We made snowmen and gave them hats, scarfs and buttons made of coal just like the song said.

We went on a Winter Walk and saw bare trees and evergreens. We also saw two squirrels playing in the grass and running up the tree.

We keep warm in Winter with a lovely, cosy fire. We didn't have a fire in the grate when Santa came!

Incy Wincy Spider

We love Incy Wincy Spider. We made lots of spiders.


Big black spider climbing up the wall,
Never ever ever seems to fall,
But I always fall, when I climb the garden gate,
I've only got two legs but he's got eight.

We made spiders to eat - they were delicious! YUM! YUM!


We don't need the clock to tell the time - we know when it's lunchtime, bedtime and playtime.

Ladybird, Ladybird.
Ladybird, Ladybird fly away home,
Your house is on fire, your children are gone,
All except one, her name is Ann,
She hid under the frying pan.


 We painted  the ladybirds.



We coloured and cut these ladybirds.

People who help us - the garda and the firefighter.

The Garda

Can you find the garda station, the garda car, the garda horse, the garda helicopter, the garda motor-bike, the jail and the garda ?

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